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  1. The grammatical term 'pronominal' means 'relating to a pronoun.' You know that conjugated verbs (almost) always need a subject pronoun, but pronominal verbs need a reflexive pronoun as well. Lawless French.
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Sometimes a nightmare is just a bad dream—isolated and disagreeable imagery with little emotional response from the dreamer. However, a nightmare can lead to feelings of fear, terror,.

Verbes pronominaux réciproques

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Reciprocal verbs are a type of pronominal verb, meaning they have both a subject pronoun and a reflexive pronoun. In the case of reciprocal verbs, the reflexive pronoun indicates that the action of the verb is exchanged between two or more subjects acting upon each other.

Par exemple…

Les aigles se regardent.The eagles are looking at each other.
Nous nous connaissons.We know each other.
Ils se parlent souvent.They often talk to one another.

Most common French reciprocal verbs

s’adorerto adore one another / each other
s’aimerto love one another
s’apercevoirto see one another
s’appelerto call one another
se battreto fight with one another
se chercherto look for one another
se comprendreto understand one another
se connaîtreto know one another
se croiserto cross, pass one another
se détesterto hate one another
se direto tell one another
se disputerto argue with one another over/about
s’écrireto write to one another
s’embrasserto kiss one another
s’entendreto get along, agree with one another
se nuireto harm one another
se parlerto talk to one another
se promettreto promise one another
se querellerto quarrel with one another
se quitterto leave one another
se regarderto look at one another
se rencontrerto meet one another
se sourireto smile at one another
se suffireto suffice, be enough for one another
se téléphonerto call one another
se voirto see one another

Note that most of these verbs can also be reflexive. To stress the reciprocal nature of the verb, you can include something like

  • l’un l’autre – one another
  • mutuellement – mutually
  • réciproquement – reciprocally
  • entre nous/vous/eux – between us/you/them

All of the above verbs require a reflexive pronoun when they indicate that the subjects are acting upon one another. But remember than they can also be used non-reflexively, to express the verb’s action directed at someone or something else (or nothing, in the case of intransitive verbs).

En comparaison…

Ils se regardent.vsIls regardent la télé.
They’re looking at each other.
They’re looking at the TV.
Vous vous souriez.vsVous souriez.
You’re smiling at each other.You’re smiling.

Reciprocal verbs are just one type of pronominal verb. See the main lesson on pronominal verbs for details on using reciprocal verbs in different tenses and moods.

Related lessons

  • Subject pronouns

En español

  • Verbos recíprocos

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Verbes pronominaux réciproques

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Reciprocal verbs are a type of pronominal verb, meaning they have both a subject pronoun and a reflexive pronoun. In the case of reciprocal verbs, the reflexive pronoun indicates that the action of the verb is exchanged between two or more subjects acting upon each other.

Par exemple…

Les aigles se regardent.The eagles are looking at each other.
Nous nous connaissons.We know each other.
Ils se parlent souvent.They often talk to one another.

Most common French reciprocal verbs

s’adorerto adore one another / each other
s’aimerto love one another
s’apercevoirto see one another
s’appelerto call one another
se battreto fight with one another
se chercherto look for one another
se comprendreto understand one another
se connaîtreto know one another
se croiserto cross, pass one another
se détesterto hate one another
se direto tell one another
se disputerto argue with one another over/about
s’écrireto write to one another
s’embrasserto kiss one another
s’entendreto get along, agree with one another
se nuireto harm one another
se parlerto talk to one another
se promettreto promise one another
se querellerto quarrel with one another
se quitterto leave one another
se regarderto look at one another
se rencontrerto meet one another
se sourireto smile at one another
se suffireto suffice, be enough for one another
se téléphonerto call one another
se voirto see one another

Note that most of these verbs can also be reflexive. To stress the reciprocal nature of the verb, you can include something like

  • l’un l’autre – one another
  • mutuellement – mutually
  • réciproquement – reciprocally
  • entre nous/vous/eux – between us/you/them

All of the above verbs require a reflexive pronoun when they indicate that the subjects are acting upon one another. But remember than they can also be used non-reflexively, to express the verb’s action directed at someone or something else (or nothing, in the case of intransitive verbs).

En comparaison…

Ils se regardent.vsIls regardent la télé.
They’re looking at each other.
They’re looking at the TV.
Vous vous souriez.vsVous souriez.
You’re smiling at each other.You’re smiling.

Reciprocal verbs are just one type of pronominal verb. See the main lesson on pronominal verbs for details on using reciprocal verbs in different tenses and moods.

Related lessons


  • Subject pronouns

Occasionnellement Antonyme

En español

  • Verbos recíprocos

Occasionnellement Synonyme

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